Crafting characters that resonate and breathe on the pages of your story is an art that requires careful consideration and creative finesse. As a dedicated fiction writer, I’m thrilled to share with you some invaluable insights into creating characters that feel utterly real, drawing your readers into their captivating worlds. Here are five tips that […]
Jody Royer
The Art of Book Recommendations
Are you the go-to person in your circle of friends for book recommendations? Do people come to you for guidance on what to read next? Congratulations, my friend, you have been anointed with the gift of book recommendation! But with great power comes great responsibility. You don’t want to steer your friends wrong or worse, […]
Is It Hard To Be A Fiction Writer?
If you are passionate about writing, you may be wondering how hard it would be to make a living off of your work. After all, there are plenty of fiction writers who have made a lot of money from their books – we’ve all heard of J.K. Rowling’s rags-to-riches story after all. How hard can […]
What Is The Oldest Science Fiction Story?
As a fan of science fiction, it is always so interesting to think about the origins of the genre itself. Science fiction is a bit of a weird genre. It requires an imaginative look at science, so we tend to think of the genre as being quite new, but it goes back farther than you […]
5 Reasons To Write Short Stories
If you are an aspiring novelist, you may not think to bother with short stories. They can feel too limiting, as you only have so many pages to tell a story before it stops being short. However, there are actually a lot of great reasons to write short stories, especially if you have never tried […]